Dentrix G7

Expand Your Care with Dentrix G7

More than 35,000 dental practices rely on Dentrix® practice management software. Dentrix leads the dental software market by providing solutions for both the clinical and business sides of your practice. Plus, Dentrix helps you build your practice with integrated eServices — innovative dental software that adds new capabilities to your system — and “Dentrix Connected” products from top dental technology companies. You can equip your practice with Dentrix dental software now and enrich it for years to come with our growing network of partner products.

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Health History Phase 3

Automatically inactivate Health History for dates set in the future. Rank Health History items as Critical to make them more prominent in the health history. Track patient health status through changes in the Health History icon (red, yellow or white based on of the types of alerts and the criticality). See patient health pop-up alerts in the Patient Chart even if a Health History pop-up alert is closed in the front office. Include Inactive Health History Alerts with letter merge using the Health History filters.

Centralize eTrans Client Credentials

From one workstation, set up eClaims credentials that can be shared across all workstations. Automatically set up additional workstations to send eClaims without re-entering the username and password. Send eClaims from any Dentrix workstation.

Integrate Dentrix Pay with Worldpay

Migrate back-end processing for existing Dentrix Pay users to the Worldpay platform. Dentrix Pay users charge patients right from the Ledger “Enter Payment” window using EMV (Chip) credit cards, debit cards, or NFC (Mobile payment applications) for seamless credit card payments in Dentrix. You can also save a patient’s card securely on file so you can charge it for each visit.

Automatic Dentrix workstations updates

For future Dentrix updates, save time installing the updates to workstations. Updates that you install on the server will be automatically installed on each Dentrix workstation.

eClaim Attachments

Help ensure proper eClaim attachments using the new Dentrix Smart Image automated workflow, available for some imaging vendors. Let Dentrix save you time and potential mistakes by examining the procedures for an insurance claim, identifying attachment requirements for the intended payor, finding the needed attachments, and attaching them to the claim. If needed, create or modify the workflow with your own attachment requirements. Add a required Dentrix Clinical Note as an attachment directly to a claim. Preview any attachment in Dentrix. Integration available both with Dentrix Smart Image vendors and Dentrix Image.

Split Credit Adjustments

Split credit adjustments in the same easy way that payments can be split. Also split discounts that use credit adjustments by patient and provider in Enter Tax / Discount.

Require a Referral Source for New Patients

Select the new “Require Referred By for new patients” option in Preferences to be sure you capture the referral source when adding a new patient appointment or a new patient in the Family File. Enjoy easier entry of a referral source in the Family File by selecting the source from the Patient Information window.

Meet Joe Osborne

"I cannot express how much I appreciate you trusting me as a partner with your practice. After all, it's not about the sale, it's about the relationship."

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